Bipolar Disorder
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Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition. A person with bipolar disorder may cycle between feeling euphoric and extremely energetic (manic) and feeling very low (depression). The episodes can last for three to six months and occur every few years or shorter but more frequent episodes over the course of one year for different people.
The exact cause of bipolar disorder is unknown. For most people, this disorder is a lifelong diagnosis. Symptoms of bipolar disorder generally begin in early adulthood. Research suggests that around 80% of the causes are genetic, while other contributing factors may include brain chemicals, environmental factors, physical illness, and stress.
Treatment can include medication (may stop the symptoms, make them shorter or less intense), psychological therapies and community support programs. With appropriate treatment and support bipolar disorder symptoms can be well managed. People with bipolar disorder can maintain a good quality of life. Speak with your doctor if you need help.
Speak with your doctor if you are eligible for the government supported Screen for Life (SFL) or Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP).